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Fertility West Midlands

Integrative Medicine Fertility Clinic

Fertility Challenges affect millions of couples worldwide. While there are numerous fertility treatments available, many people are turning towards integrated medicine fertility clinics for a more multi pronged approach to their fertility journey. Integrated medicine fertility clinics take a multi-disciplinary approach to fertility and use a combination of conventional and complementary therapies to support couples and individuals in achieving their goal of starting a family.




We offer a more comprehensive approach to your fertility, a more personalized plan where we coach you through the grey areas which exist between GP and IVF clinic, this approach repeatedly increases our clients chances of success. 


When visiting our integrated medicine fertility clinic, couples can expect a comprehensive evaluation of your health and fertility. If you are TTC, preparing for IVF or are imminently starting IVF, we have a programme for you. This may initially include physical exams, testing, and a review of your medical history, next based on the results of this evaluation, the clinic will recommend a combination of conventional and complementary therapies to help improve your chances of conceiving. These may include acupuncture, testing, medication, supplementation herbal, nutrition, movement and mind-body therapy.


Our integrated medicine fertility clinic helps provide couples with the best possible chance of success with a more supportive environment throughout their fertility journey.

Click here for the
Fertility West Midlands website

Fertility Support 

  • TTC
  • IVF Support 
  • Testing - Male & Female
  • Stress and Emotional Well-being 
  • Fertility for you programme include - 

    • Fertility Fundamentals - The basics you might not know

    • Fertility Focus - let's look at more complex issues 

    • Fertile Mindset - Your fertility journey and your sanity. 

Pregnant Woman on Couch
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